The Great Wisdom of Perfect Enlightenment: A Memorial Volume of Professor Jao Tsung-i

Professor Jao Tsung-i is one of the most renowned scholars and men of letters of our time. His scholarship extended to nearly every field of traditional Chinese culture, and he was also highly regarded for his original creation in poetry, calligraphy, painting and musical performance. Throughout his life, Professor Jao was devoted to promote Chinese culture, and with profound and bright virtue cultivated and enlightened numerous many others. As seen from one of his calliigraphy works titled "Great Wisdom of Perfect Enlightenment" in his later life, he has reached such a state.

The loss of Professor Jao is deeply felt by all the members of the Academy. In memorial of Professor Jao, the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology has prepared a booklet In The Great Wisdom of Perfect Enlightenment: A Memorial Volume of Professor Jao Tsung-i. Readers can find Master Jao’s essays on Chinese painting and calligraphy alongside elegies and memorial essays by our staff and students.
