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Delegation Visit 2022

Exchanges with museum expert

On 6 October 2022, Dr Jason Sun, Dr Simon Suen and Mrs Mary Suen, Prof. Xu Xiaodong, and Miss Tong Fei paid a combined visit to the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology. 

Dr. Jason Sun is the Brook Russell Astor Curator of Chinese Art, Department of Asian Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art. He took part in an exchange of ideas with Director Professor Chen Zhi and practical implementation relevant to detailed issues pertaining to the forthcoming “Archaeology, Artifacts and Art” Cloud Lecture Series sponsored by Simon Suen Foundation. This series of lectures is due to take place from November 2022 to August 2023. On 4 November, Dr Sun Zhixin, initiated the series as the first speaker with a lecture on “Museums in American Universities”. In addition, a common understanding was reached between the various parties regarding deeper collaboration with the Academy in the future. The hope was that more and wider platforms for the cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas on archaeology, history, artifacts and art would be furnished for experts and scholars locally and abroad, including esteemed researchers art collectors as well as connoisseurs. 

Visit of specialists in Chinese studies

The Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology had the tremendous honor to receive a visit from two renowned scholars, Professor Hon Tze Ki and Dr. Lo Yuet Keung, on July 21, 2022. Professor Hon Tze Ki is currently Professor of History at Beijing Normal University and Beijing Normal University & Hong Kong Baptist University United International College. He specializes in the study of the Yijing, Neo-Confucianism of the Song-Ming period and modern Chinese thought. Dr. Lo Yuet Keung is Associate Professor of Chinese Studies at the National University of Singapore. His academic interest lies in pre-Qin thoughts, the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and the history of ancient women. The scholars joined Professor Chen Zhi on tour around the Academy to view the impressive collections and understand the significant milestones of the Academy since its establishment. During the time, they have given due recognition to the Academy’s efforts in fostering the spirit of Master Jao, whose profound knowledge of literature, history, and art was founded ultimately on his cosmopolitan worldview.

The two guests were then invited to Professor Chen's office for a candid discussion on the historical origin of the academic discipline, the ground-breaking viewpoints of their research area, as well as the interdisciplinary approach at different levels. It was indeed an enjoyable yet stimulating conversation. They concluded the dialogue by agreeing to initiate in-depth exchanges and collaboration with the Academy in the future. The specific details are to be confirmed.

After the visit, Dr. Lo Yuet Keung also examined and provided some suggestions to Lan Qian, one of our PhD candidates, on her thesis “Research on Classical Novels in Late Qing Dynasty”.