“Japanese Women, Exotic Scenery, and Cultural Narratives in Late Qing China: Centered on Wang Tao.” Joint Postgraduate Conference. Organized by National University of Singapore and Hong Kong Baptist University. Singapore, 23–24 April, 2024.
“Body and Space: The Liminality and Diversity of Japanese Prostitutes in Late Qing Chinese Classical Tales.” Tenth Annual Trans-Asia Graduate Student Conference: Bridging Glocal Asias. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 19–20 April, 2024.
“Roaming ‘Overseas Beauties’: Wang Tao’s Fiction and Cultural Ideologies in Late Qing China.” The Association for Asian Studies (AAS) 2024 Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, 14–17 March, 2024.
“An Imaginary Solution to International Relations: The Tale of Overseas Beauties and a Chinese Gentleman in 19th-Century China”. Postgraduate Conference on “Negotiating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity in Times of Crisis.” Creativity, Self, and Society (CSS) faculty of the Faculty of Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University. Online, 2–3 December, 2023. (Best Paper Award)
“An Imaginary Solution to International Relations: Chinese Classical Tales in 19th-Century China. ” The 65th Annual Conference of the American Association for Chinese Studies (AACS). University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA, 13–15 October, 2023.
“The Portrayal of Female and Hong Kong: Reconsidering Wang Tao’s Chinese Classical Tales.” The 61st Annual Western Conference of The Association for Asian Studies (WCAAS). Brigham Young University-Idaho and The University of Montana, USA, 5–7 October, 2023.
“Overseas Beauties in the Chinese Classical Tales in Nineteen-Century China: A Study of Song Yin Man Lu 淞隱漫錄.” The Western Branch Annual Meeting of American Oriental Society. Hosted by the University of Arizona, Tucson, November 3-5, 2022.
伍伯常撰、蘭倩譯:〈文化互動與較量——以宋朝(960–1279)和南唐(937–965)為例〉(Cultural Interactions and Competitions: The Case of the Song Dynasty and the Southern Tang)。收入香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學院編:《漢學英華.第二輯)。香港:中華書局(香港),2022。