Fifth Exhibition in the “Scholarship and Culture” Series — “The Divine Plan at Work” The 120th Anniversary of the Discovery of Oracle Bone Inscriptions cum “60th Anniversary of the Publication of Oracle Bone Diviners of the Yin Dynasty by Professor Jao Tsung-i” special exhibition (2019/9-11)

2019 is the 120th anniversary of the discovery of oracle bone inscriptions and the 60th anniversary of the publication of Professor Jao Tsung-i’s monumental work Oracle Bone Diviners of the Yin Dynasty (Yindai zhenbu renwu tongkao). The HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology co-organizes the fifth instalment of the “Scholarship and Culture” series: “The Divine Plan at Work” The 120th Anniversary of the Discovery of Oracle Bone Inscriptions cum “60th Anniversary of the Publication of Oracle Bone Diviners of the Yin Dynasty by Professor Jao Tsung-i” special exhibition, together with the National Museum of Chinese Writing, Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, The University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University Library.

An opening ceremony was held on 2 September, officiated by Mr. Lau Kong-wah, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs, Dr. Sze Chi Ching, SBS, JP, Chairman of Hang Tung Resources Holding Limited, Dr. Simon Suen, BBS, JP, Chairman of SML Group, Professor Lee Chack-fan, GBS, JP, Director of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, The University of Hong Kong, Dr. Thomas Tang Wai Hung, Deputy Director (Art) of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, The University of Hong Kong, Ms Angeline Yiu Ching Fun, Honorary Patron, Development Committee of the HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Professor Mette Hjort, Dean of Arts, HKBU, Professor Chen Zhi, Director, Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, HKBU, and Mr. Kendall Crilly, University Librarian, HKBU.

Addressing the audience, Professor Lee Chack-fan, Director of Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, The University of Hong Kong spoke highly of the persistent efforts of the Academy in producing a wide spectrum of meaningful events to different level of audience from students of primary and secondary schools and universities to professional scholars, to promote the knowledge of oracle bone inscriptions.

Three different themes are presented in three different exhibition areas in the University, including the “Chinese Characters” exhibition co-organized by the National Museum of Chinese Writing, which is the first time to be held in Hong Kong, and an array of important books on oracle bone studies collected by Hong Kong Baptist University Library. During the exhibition period, the Academy also host a number of events, including the “JAS Oracle Bone Seminars” lecture series, to name only a few.

The three exhibitions of the series include:
1) Professor Jao Tsung-i and Oracle Bone Studies - Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
2) Selected Works on Oracle Bone Studies - Au Shue Hung Memorial Library
3) Chinese Characters - Dr and Mrs Sze Chi Ching Exhibition Gallery
