Ceremony for the Donation of Professor Jao Tsung-I's Fine Works of Art

The University held the Ceremony for the Donation of Professor Jao Tsung-I's Fine Works of Art on 18 September 2013 to express its appreciation to Professor Jao Tsung-I, GBM, JP, Honorary Permanent Director of the Hong Kong Baptist University Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology (BUJAS), for his staunch support to the University by donating 12 sets of fine works of art for charity auction at a fundraising dinner to be held on 7 October 2013. The net proceeds generated will be used to support the scholarly activities, teaching and research of the BUJAS for the promotion of Chinese culture.

Officiating at the Ceremony were Professor Jao Tsung-I; Mr. Cheng Yan Kee, JP, Chairman of the Council and the Court of HKBU; Dr. Simon Suen, JP and President Albert S.C. Chan, JP, Co-Chairmen of the Organising Committee of the Fundraising Dinner for the BUJAS; Dr. Thomas Tang Wai Hung and Mr. Wong Ting Chung, BBS, Vice-Chairmen of the Organising Committee; Ms. Angeline Yiu Ching Fun, Member of the Organising Committee; Professor Lee Chack Fan, GBS, SBS, JP, Director of the Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole of The University of Hong Kong; and Professor Chen Zhi, Acting Director of the BUJAS.

In his welcoming remarks, Dr. Simon Suen said Professor Jao Tsung-I has been immensely supportive of the study of Sinology over the years. Professor Jao has also been generous in donating his collection of Chinese classics and scholarly books as well as his masterpieces to different academic institutions, including the 12 sets of fine works of art donated to HKBU for raising funds for the development of the BUJAS. He said he believes that with the support and guidance of Professor Jao, the BUJAS will serve as an important platform for promoting cultural exchange both locally and internationally.
President Albert Chan praised Professor Jao as a master scholar of erudition who has had a significant influence on the promotion of Chinese culture. He expressed his gratitude to Professor Jao for his consent to serve as Honorary Permanent Director and provide his invaluable guidance to the BUJAS. President Chan also thanked Professor Jao, his daughter Ms. Angeline Yiu Ching Fun, son-in-law Dr. Thomas Tang Wai Hung and all members of the Organising Committee for their tremendous support and trust in HKBU in the course of preparation for the Fundraising Dinner. In recognition of Professor Jao's kind support, President Chan presented a couplet composed by him as a souvenir to Professor Jao.
The Fundraising Dinner has received ardent support from individuals and organisations and so far a total of more than HK$11 million has been raised, including the following major donations: HK$5 million from Miss Elizabeth Law, MH, Managing Director of Park Hotel Property Management Limited; HK$2 million from Mr. and Mrs. So Kai Sing of Winnie Sanitary Product Limited; and HK$1 million each from Mr. Philip Tiu Fai Wing and Chi Tao Charitable Foundation Limited.
For information about the charity auction of Professor Jao Tsung-I's fine works of art, please click http://jas.hkbu.edu.hk/FundraisingDinner/index.php .
(Source: University Advancement Office, Hong Kong Baptist University)
