Professor Jao Tsung-i launches the Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology

The Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology of HKBU today organised a book launch for its new academic journal Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology.
Officiating at the ceremony were Professor Jao Tsung-I, the great master of classical Chinese studies and Honorary Permanent Director of the Development Committee of the HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Dr Simon Suen, Founding President of the Development Committee of the HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Professor Albert Chan, HKBU President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Chen Zhi, Acting Director of the HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, and Mr Li Zhanling, Editor-in-chief, Chung Hwa Book Co (HK) Ltd.

Addressing the audience, Professor Albert Chan specially thanked Professor Jao for his strong support to HKBU and its Academy of Sinology, and for also serving as Honorary Chief Editor of the Bulletin. Professor Chan said that it is common for outstanding research institutes to produce their own first class academic journal, and thus he considered the official launch of the Bulletin an important step in the Academy’s development. He said the Bulletin invited almost all the most renowned scholars in various areas of classical Chinese studies and sinology around the globe to be its academic consultants, editorial board members and contributors, and that with the support of these scholars, the Bulletin would grow steadily. He also thanked Amway (China) Company Limited for its generous donation of HK$10 million to the University for establishing the “HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology – Amway Development Fund” in support of the publications of the Academy.
Professor Chen Zhi, Acting Director of the Academy of Sinology, said the Bulletin was a milestone in the Academy’s development. The Academy would organise a number of academic events in the coming months to encourage research in classical Chinese studies and sinology, and also an Essay and Poetry Writing Competition for Secondary Students to promote traditional Chinese culture among younger generation. He said the Academy would publish a number of book series to present classical Chinese studies and culture systematically.
The Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology is published annually to provide an academic platform for scholars worldwide to share their insights and latest research findings in classical Chinese studies and sinology. The Bulletin invited 22 internationally renowned scholars to be academic consultants and 21 well-known academics to be editorial board members. It follows international academic practice in subjecting all manuscripts received to anonymous peer review to ensure the quality of articles published.
The Academy is grateful to have the journal title rendered in Professor Jao’s calligraphy and his painting Red Lotus as the cover image of the Bulletin.
