JAS Archaeology Talks: Anhui University Bamboo Strips(2022/6/17-24)

The essence of archaeology is to reconstruct the ancient ways of life from the perspective of material culture. As we know, Sinology is a far broader discipline than textual studies, but beneath it all lies a curiosity and imagination to human conditions in the past. The Academy therefore launched the new “Archaeology Seminar Series” in 2018 to expand its research profile in the direction of Chinese Archaeology. We are currently curating a series of talks on major archaeological discoveries in recent decades, such as the archaeology of Early China, the splendid Bronze Age culture of Sanxingdui, excavated manuscripts of the Qin and Han periods, the Zoumalou official documents and records of the Three Kingdoms period, and gold and silver wares of the Tang dynasty, making this expert knowledge accessible to the public.

Revered as the “national treasure”, the Warring States bamboo slips are one of the rare manuscripts from the pre-Qin period. Acquired in 2015, Anhui University's collection of the Warring States bamboo strips mainly consists of Shijing 詩經 (Book of Odes), history of the ancient state of Chu 楚, Confucian quotations and Confucian writings, Chu Ci 楚辭 (Songs of Chu), oneiromancy and physiognomy. The Anhui University Bamboo Strips is yet another major discovery of rare excavated manuscripts from the pre-Qin period after the Guodian Chu Strips, Shanghai Museum Bamboo Strips and Tsinghua Bamboo Strips. The Academy has therefore invited two professors from the Development and Applied Research Center of Anhui University to lead a discussion on the Confucian quotations and Shijing 詩經 (Book of Odes) in the Anhui University Bamboo Strips. Below are the details of the seminars:

First Session
Date 17 June 2022 (Friday)
Time: 12:00nn-13:30pm
Venue: Tencent Meeting/VooV Meeting
Language: Mandarin
Moderator: Prof. Chen Zhi (Director, HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology)
Lecture title: An Overview of Zhongni 仲尼 in the Anhui University Bamboo Strips
Speaker: Prof. Xu Zaiguo (Professor at the College of Liberal Arts, Anhui University)

Summary (Recorded by Guo Qianmeng):

Second Session
Date: 24 June 2022 (Friday)
Time: 12:00nn-13:30pm
Venue: Tencent Meeting/VooV Meeting
Language: Mandarin
Moderator: Dr. Adam Craig Schwartz (Associate Director, HKBU Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology)
Lecture title: A Preliminary Discussion on the Lexica of Shijing 詩經 (Book of Odes) in the Anhui University Bamboo Strips
Speaker: Prof. Cheng Yan (Professor at the College of Liberal Arts, Anhui University)

Summary (Recorded by Wang Xueting):
一是,有助於準確理解某些詩篇的疑難字詞。如黃天樹先生認爲甲骨文「中 」是一個夜間的時稱,指夜半。
7. 《周南 關雎》「參差荇菜」(簡1)
8. 《周南 卷耳》「薄污我私」(簡5)
9. 《鄘風 君子偕老》「邦之媛也」(簡89)
10. 《唐風 揚之水》「百世皓皓」(簡104)
11. 《唐風 綢繆》「綢繆束薪」(簡109)
12. 《召南 羔羊》「委蛇委蛇」(簡30)
