Scholars and experts discuss scholarship of Professor Jao Tsung-i at symposium

The Symposium on the Scholarship of Professor Jao Tsung-i, co-organised by the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology (JAS) and Mr Simon Suen and Mrs Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute (SHI) was successfully held on campus from 31 October to 1 November 2014. Eighteen scholars from Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and Taiwan delivered speeches and held discussions on Professor Jao’s academic and artistic achievements.

Prof.Jao Tsung-i, Honorary Permanent Director of JAS, Mrs Mary Suen, Honorary Director of SHI, Prof.Albert Chan, President and Vice-Chancellor, and Prof.Chen Zhi, Director of JAS inaugurated the symposium. President Chan commended Prof.Jao for his extraordinary accomplishment in academia, the arts and other fields, and expressed special thanks to Prof.Jao and Mr and Mrs Suen for their support to the University. Prof.Chen encouraged participants to inherit not only Prof.Jao’s knowledge but also his ardour for seeking the truth.