Fourth Jao Link Sharing

On 11 July 2023, convened by the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology and Jao Link, the Fourth Jao Link Sharing took place at Hong Kong Baptist University. On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the death of Professor Jao Tsung-i, scholars and cultural leaders of more than twenty institutions engaged in 'Jao Studies' both in China and overseas, as well as enthusiastic supporters of the development of the research mission of Jao Studies, in total some forty or more participants, came from all quarters to Hong Kong in remembrance of Master Jao, with the aim of sharing their experience of research into Jao Studies and exploring avenues for future development and collaboration. After the sharing, the representatives of all the institutes participated in the opening ceremony of an exhibition mounted by the Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole of Hong Kong University titled 'Embracing Landscapes: The Artistic Journey of Professor Jao Tsung-i'. These activities were the first time since the Chaozhou Conference of Jao Link Sharing in 2018 that everyone had met face-to-face, and it was certainly a rare moment to be treasured.

On the afternoon of the 11th, at the beginning of the Jao Link Sharing, Professor Lee Chack Fan, Chairman of the Management Board of the Jao Studies Foundation, delivered the opening remarks. Permanent President of the Jao Studies Foundation, Ms Yiu Ching Fun, introduced the newly published book Raoxue lianhui liuzhenji 饒學聯匯留真集 (Compendium of True Records of Jao Link Sharing). This book records the seven years that Professor Jao has spent visiting the member institutions of the Link and attending their activities. She expressed the hope that through this photographic collection, she would be able to leave a memoire of the journey Jao Link Sharing has taken from its inception to its subsequent development, and that it would be a vehicle to offer thanks to old acquaintances and new friends encountered during these years of enthusiastic participation.

Following this, the representatives of the participating institutions shared their recent achievements and planned in concert the future directional development of Jao Studies and its multi-faceted opportunities for exchange and collaboration. Those who took part in the exercise were:

Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, Chaozhou (Ms Li Chun, Ms Wu Jun, Mr Wang Fen)
Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, Hong Kong University (Dr Tang Wai Hung, Dr Cheng Wai Ming)
Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole Fan Club (Prof. Lee Chack-fan)
Jao Tsung-I Research Unit, Hanshan Normal University (Prof. Yin Xueguo, Mr Chen Wei)
Jao Tsung-I Academy (Mr Mike Lai, Mrs Kiki Ko-Li, Ms Echo Chan, Ms June Yuen, Ms Winny Lee)
Tianyi Pavilion Museum (Mr Rao Guoqing, Ms Wang Yijing, Mr Sun Chen, Ms Shen Fangyi, Mr Sun Botao)
Jao Tsung-I Visiting Scholars Programme, Institute of Chinese Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Prof. Cheng Hwei Shing, Prof. Lai Chi Tim)
Jao Tsung-I Research Unit on Religion and Chinese Culture, Shandong University (Prof. Guo Wu, Dr. Wang Qiangwei)
Jao Tsung-I Museum of Scholarship and Fine Art, Guangzhou (Mr Li Qibin, Ms Liu Jiayu)
Jao Tsung-I Research Institute, Sun Yat-Sen University (Mr Yan Bosheng)
School of Philosophy, Heilongjiang University (Prof. Jiang Hongyu, Dr. Wu Haosong)
Academia Jao Tsung-I (Macau) (Ms Un Sio San)
Tsung-I Library (Jieyang) (Ms Huang Yeshan)
Jao Tsung-I Institute of Cultural Studies, Shenzhen University (Prof. Liu Hongyi, Dr. Zhou Lei)
Jao Tsung-I Research Centre, Shandong University (Prof. Han Jishao, Dr Hu Xiaozhong)
Jao Tsung-I and Traditional Chinese Culture and Research centre, South China Normal University (Prof. Lai Yueshan, Mr Li Taiheng)

Professor Chen Zhi then offered a vote of thanks and took the opportunity to outline the publication scheme of The Collected Works of Jao Tsung-I: Xuantang Anthology of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology of Hong Kong Baptist University. Through translation into English, this series is aimed at expanding the international dissemination and influence of Jao Studies. The effort has received generous support from the family of Master Jao, the Jao Studies Foundation, and the Simon Suen Foundation, with experts in relevant fields carrying out the English translation. Earlier in 2023, the first three volumes were published, and in the future, more volumes will appear, as is earnestly expected.

After the sharing concluded, an opening ceremony was held for the exhibition 'Embracing Landscapes: The Artistic Journey of Professor Jao Tsung-I' at the University Museum and Art Gallery of Hong Kong University, and delegates of the participating institutions were keen to participate in this event. The exhibition comprises twenty selected paintings and calligraphic works, as well as fifty archival photographs, as a commemoration of Professor Jao’s friendships with his artistic fellows during a scholarly career that spanned more than half a century.

Following on from the impetus of Jao Link Sharing, both the scholarly world and wider society have become more aware of the current state of Jao Studies and future avenues for development and come to a more profound understanding of Professor Jao Tsung-i's scholarly approach and artistic accomplishment. We trust that in the future, the institutions engaged in Jao Studies will collaborate in both heart and mind, united in harmonious concord, their efforts and policies coordinated, allowing free rein to the prodigious influence of Jao Studies both in China and overseas, to the greater enhancement of China's illustrious traditional culture.
