2024 Distinguished Sinologist Lecture Series: Professor HO Goang-Ru (2024/3/4)

The Academy is honoured to invite Professor HO Goang-Ru from the Department of Chinese Literature of the National Central University of Taiwan, to speak for 2024 Distinguished Sinologist Lecture Series with below details:

Exploring the Yijing through Mind-Heart Learning
2024/3/4 | 10:30–12:00 | Conducted in Putonghua
Speaker: Professor HO Goang-Ru
Holding a doctorate in Chinese literature of the National Taiwan University, Goang-ru currently serves as a Professor in the Department of Chinese Literature of the National Central University of Taiwan. Formerly a Visiting Scholar at the Harvard University Asia Center and a Visiting Scholar of the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London, his principal research areas are the Shijing (The Book of Songs), the Yijing (The Book of Changes), the history of Ming and Qing dynasty scholarship, and the history of Chinese thought. He has published many papers in scholarly journals, and his books include Wei Moshen sixiang tanjiu—yi chuantong jingdian de quanshuo wei taolun zhongxin (Delving into Wei Moshen’s thought: taking traditional exegesis of canonical text as the focus of discussion) and Xinxue ‘Yi’ gouchen (Exploring the Yijing through Mind-Heart Learning).

In-person Venue: Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Level 7, Shaw Tower, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University
Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/UpKcP3Mave
Online: Zoom: https://hkbu.zoom.us/j/91432126649?pwd=ZTF0L0hsNEIyMjhMNWFnWGM0bGU5UT09
Meeting ID: 914 3212 6649
Password: 878288

Abstract:  Applying mind-heart learning to interpret the Yijing (The Book of Changes) is an individual pathway taken by Song and Ming dynasty scholarly thought. The officials of the Siku (The Four Repositories) delved incisively into this, but their appraisal was generally negative. This lecture takes critical examination of the Siku zongmu (Bibliography of the Four Repositories) as its starting point and explores precisely from whom the approach of studying the Yijing through mind-heart learning originated. Then, taking the explanation given by Shao Kangjie, Zhuzi, and Wang Longxi of ‘Heaven’s root’ and ‘the moon’s cave’ as case studies, it focuses on the formation of this School’s train of thought regarding Yijing from the Song to the Ming dynasties. Finally, picking out Ji Pengshan’s ‘long-ti’ (‘dragon-watchfulness’) interpretation of the Yijing, it assesses how divination can be viewed from the perspective of mind-heart learning, and appraises afresh the auspiciousness, good fortune, or otherwise implicit in guayao hexagram texts.

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Note: A CCL-recognised event must be at least 1.5 hours long. Please observe the requirements if students wish to update the attendance record.
