2024 Distinguished Sinologist Lecture Series: Professor CHONG Kim Chong (2024/3/22)

The Academy is honoured to invite Professor CHONG Kim Chong, the emeritus Professor from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, to speak for 2024 Distinguished Sinologist Lecture Series with below details:

Did Zhuangzi Criticize Mengzi?
2024/3/22 | 16:00–17:30 | Conducted in English (supplemented by Putonghua)
Speaker: Professor CHONG Kim Chong
In-person Venue: Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, Level 7, Shaw Tower, Shaw Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University
Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/waAf9eiEvK
Online: Zoom: https://hkbu.zoom.us/j/91432126649?pwd=ZTF0L0hsNEIyMjhMNWFnWGM0bGU5UT09
Meeting ID: 914 3212 6649
Password: 878288

Abstract: Mengzi and Zhuangzi lived around the same time in the mid-Warring States period of ancient China. The historical relation between them is unclear. There is no mention of each other in the texts named after them. But some authors have claimed that characterizations of deformed bodies, the heart-mind and qi in the Inner Chapters of the Zhuangzi are critical of Mengzi. We pose the following questions. First, was Zhuangzi aware of Mengzi (and vice versa)? Second, are there other cases where we can say with some confidence that a thinker is being criticized without being named? If so, is there some criterion that enables us to make the identification? Third, do the claims that Zhuangzi was critical of Mengzi adequately satisfy such a criterion? Addressing these questions will involve the analysis and interpretation of the relevant passages in both texts.

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Note: A CCL-recognised event must be at least 1.5 hours long. Please observe the requirements if students wish to update the attendance record.
