Interviews of Prominent Sinologists and Chinese Classical Scholars

In addition to cutting-edge scholarly writings, the Academy also publishes books for a general readership, such as the collection of interviews with prominent sinologists and Chinese Classical scholars. While some of the interviews were printed in the New Perspectives on Chinese Culture, a quarterly supported by the Academy, or our newsletter Sinology News, the rest of the articles will be published for the first time in 2020. The interviews cover a wide range of topics, including heat topics in the fields of the interviewee’s expertise, personal reflections on undergraduate and postgraduate years, academic research, and teaching. Through amiable and dialogic genre of interview, some of the most important sinologists of our time will share personal experience and insights on the challenges and joys of being a scholar.

Chief Editor: CHEN Zhi
Publisher: Nanjing University Press
Publication Year: 2020

The interviews of this collection have one thing in common: the interviewees share personal experience and insights on the challenges and joys of being a scholar. The interviewees include: Professor Lu Miaw-fen (Research Fellow and Director of the Institute of Modern History of Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Professor Li Wai-yee (Professor of Chinese Literature, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University; Academician, Academia Sinica, Taiwan), Professor Wolfgang Behr (Traditional China Chair, Asia-Orient-Institute, The University of Zurich), Professor Michael Lackner (Full Professor and Chair of Chinese Studies, Department of Middle Eastern and Far Eastern Languages and Cultures; Director of International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg).

About the Editor

Prof. Chen holds a Bachelor's degree in History from Peking University and an MPhil in Chinese Literature from Nanjing University. He also has a PhD degree in Chinese Studies from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, U.S.A. Upon graduation, he started his teaching life at the National University of Singapore and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He joined the Hong Kong Baptist University in 2000, and currently serves as Chair Professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Director of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, and Provost of Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College.

His research interests lie in the areas of Shijing studies, bronze inscriptions, ancient history, and intellectual history. His publications include The Legacy of the Odes, Documents, Ritual Music, Interviews with Yu Ying-shih, Papers on Interdisciplinary Study of the Book of Odes, The Shaping of the Book of Songs: From Ritualization to Secularization, etc. He also has had dozens of papers in Chinese and English published in renowned academic journals in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas. Prof. Chen is the Editor of the Early China Book Series, Chief Editor of the Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology, and Associate Editor of Journal of Early Chinese Philosophers.
