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10th Anniversary(2013-2023)
Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
The Garland of Sinology——Special Supplement to the Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
JAS Library of Classical Learning
JAS Library of Sinology
Frontiers in Sinology
JAS Global Sinology in Translation
Collected Works of Jao Tsung-i: Xuantang Anthology
Interviews of Prominent Sinologists and Chinese Classical Scholars
XuanTang Library of Doctoral Dissertations
Book Series on Interpretation of Important Bronze Inscriptions of the Western Zhou
Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology
Table of Contents, Issue 8, BJAS
1. 說「昔」字並論「*」形的真正來源 / 陳劍
2. 西周金文所體現的宗法關係及貴族家庭分化 / 段陶
3. 《儀禮》的「乃」、「遂」和「不」 / 李洛旻
4. 漢中山靖王劉勝墓錯金博山爐及其製作技術研究——附論漢代失蠟法及其鑄造工藝傳統 / 蘇榮譽 李耀光
5. Witchcraft and Witch-hunting in the Later Years of Emperor Wu’s Reign: A Reappraisal / ZHANG Hanmo
6. 北宋太廟時享爭議中的禮學理念 / 張曉宇
7. 范仲淹〈漁家傲〉地理現場勘查報告 / 肖鵬 王兆鵬 陳思晗 周彥成
8. Lingnan Plum Blossoms as a Vehicle for Building Self-Image: A Study of Liang Peilan’s (1630–1705) Poems on Plum Blossoms / 董就雄
9. 新中國南明史研究學術綜述 / 謝貴安
10. 《儒林外史》原貌問題新論 / 葉楚炎
11. 《三巴集》編訂考論——從版本問題到詩人形象及「天學詩」的界定 / 姚道生
12. 饒宗頤「學者型」書法的文化內涵探論 / 蔡典娉
13. [Book review] Zhou History Unearthed: The Bamboo Manuscript Xinian and Early Chinese Historiography. By Yuri PINES / Olivia MILBURN
14. 【書評】 Southern Identity and Southern Estrangement in Medieval Chinese Poetry. Edited by Ping WANG and Nicholas Morrow WILLIAMS / 唐佩璇 周睿
15. 【書評】 China’s Philological Turn: Scholars, Textualism, and the Dao in the Eighteenth Century. By Ori SELA / 程羽黑