Mr. Yoji SATO: Exploration of the Eternal Absolute Truth

Connecting Europe and Asia, Recasting the Glory: Lecture series of Early Encounters between Europe and Asia

Lecture 6: Exploration of the Eternal Absolute Truth
2023/11/02 │ 16:00–17:30
Mr. Yoji SATO
Chairman of Eurasia Foundation(from Asia)

- Abstract: Eurasia Foundation (from Asia)’s intention is to contribute to the elimination of all conflicts in the world and the creation of a harmonious and peaceful society for everyone on earth.
Looking back on the activities over the past 13 years, the activities that started in Asia have gone beyond mere regional expansion and deepened various forms of community discussions. In addition, this generation is pursuing expectations for a new form and role of a community beyond existing nations, ethnicities and ideologies. We have now implemented the task of the foundation not just in Asia, but all over the world.
Asia needs to learn from Europe’s experience and wisdom, while Europe can get inspiration from Asia. We believe that mutual understanding of experiences, history, culture and society can enable us to discover new possibilities for the future generation. Moreover, rather than just engaging in Asian and European studies, we can share hopes for a creation of a new community for the next generation through exploration of the eternal absolute truth.
I strongly believe that the enthusiasm and dedication of the students and the professors who participated in this course will lead to a leap for the establishment of the new community beyond nation and country. The foundation will continue striving for the creation of such community and the dream of “One World”.
- Language: Japanese (with translation in Putonghua)
Summary (Recorded by Zhang Zixuan)
Chairman of the Eurasia Foundation Mr Yoji Sato’s lecture titled ‘Exploration of the Eternal Absolute Truth’ took as its starting point the three eternal questions: ‘What is mankind? Where has mankind come from? Where is mankind going?’ It combined the three principles of the Eurasia Group’s activities: ‘unrestricted in ethnicity or nationality; unrestricted in thought or religion; unconnected to politics.’ From these, he delivered a step-by-step exposition of his pursuit of ‘eternal absolute truth’ and reflections thereon. 
The Group has promoted more than seven hundred lectures on the same subject in countries across the world. In this lecture, Mr Sato first proposed four principal areas for discussion, namely: ‘What is the self (the ego)?’ ‘What is a human (mankind)?’ ‘What is life?’ ‘What is corporeal reality?’ Circling around these concepts he explained the importance of ‘the formation of the self’ and how this must absorb knowledge of all kinds from the named aspects of the real world, for example, language, text, numbers, and names. Mr Sato then spoke further on how he had once enquired of many individuals in the scholarly world ‘what is a human?’ but had not received a precise definition or reply. He considers that ‘a corporeal person’ is not equivalent to ‘the self’ and is also not equivalent to ‘a human (mankind)’; the self, a human, life, and ‘fundamental matter’ are in fact four types of concepts. In the Chinese word for life shengming 生命, the first syllable sheng 生 and the second syllable ming 命 carry different connotations. 
Mr Sato considers that in the contemporary world, one of the closest approaches we can make to eternal absolute truth is quantum mechanics and that the fundamental nature of the world is ‘the mutual interaction of energy’. As a matter of course, new technology can assist in realising the pursuit of eternal absolute truth, for example, artificial intelligence, blockchains, quantum computers, and others, such as, Quantum Financial System, free energy, anti-gravity, ultrasound therapy capsule cabins, and other revolutionary technologies. With the assistance of science and technology, Mr Sato believes that the world mankind lives in will make the leap from three-dimensionality to five-dimensionality, and that this will be an ascent in morality and ethics for the consciousness of humankind. Mr Sato firmly maintains an optimistic attitude towards a future comprising ‘eternal absolute truth’, science and technology, and five-dimensionality. 

This lecture series is sponsored by Eurasia Foundation (from Asia). 
